Selasa, 04 September 2012

Well, I was.

Life was hard for me. I meant, very hard. You would never knew what life I was lived. My parents got murdered, by a spy, from a organization called Black Star Spy Company. A couple days later, they recruit me to be a teen spy. They trained me non stop, if I fail on a mission, they will punish me so hard and electrocuted me. Yeah life really hard for me. But now, it’s a lot better than the first day I got recruited by them.
After 2 months they recruited me, I moved from England to the centre of the Black Star Spy Company office, in Paris, France. Eh? I forgot to introduce my self. Hey, my name is Seena Alexan, my parents got killed 4 days before I was thirteen. And I have a massive problem that keep me awake every night. It feel weird you know, crying in the middle of the night just thinking about that problem, its not a big problem, but for the spy company it’s a tough one.
Here is my problem, I’M IN LOVE WITH MY PARTNER. My partner? His name is Elmoza Milano, He is 14 years old. He has 2 brown eyes that shine when the sunshine captured them, he got that tall and brown skin body. He got a warm arm to hugged someone, and he have the hair that look so cool even when he just wake up. He is the best spy that the BSSC have, yeah the head boss said that. I’m so proud of him. But we broke I rule, the first rule : you can’t love your own partner. But they, they know everything, they know I’m in love with Moza. Rumor said that they would kill me, I got to runaway.
That night, Saturday night, I asked me to runaway with me. To England, the place where I was born, where was I raised with me lovely parents, the place where my heart was gone for the very first time.
I asked him to runaway with me, and he said yes. And suddenly he said that he love me and can’t live without me, he is sooo over said but that’s a sentence to make a girl love you more! He kissed me that day, in a battle field when the BSSC start to pointing their guns at us. The moon shine so light. After the kiss ended, I was captured by one spy but I managed to runaway evenknow thathe left a scar on my right arm, but whats make me down is, they shooted Moza’s feet.
I carried him, and runaway as fast as I could. I manage it. I’m free, finally.
I stop in the highway, his feet look awful but he still can smile, that smile make me fired up. After taking out the bullet from his feet, I do what I usually do to cure it, I thank them from teaching me how to do it, but I never stop hating them.
I arrived at London a day later with a train. I guess they didn’t track us. Thank God. I borrowed money from my old neighboor to rent an apartment. I rent an apartment near Thames river, its quite creepy but Moza said that he likes that kind, and I think, was I creepy?. Stupid me.
head chef in a five star hotel because his talent is so amazing. After paying the money I borrowed from my neighbour, I moved to a better place, a better apartment near the hotel Moza worked. I got a scholarship to a school for journalist, I got a class 3 days per week (mon,tue,wed), I was quite happy to learn again, I miss those times when I was a junior highschool student, but life can’t be stoped, I must go on. Because work and school, I rarely meet Moza, so we decided to take a vacation on this weekend, we’re planning a date.
I’m ready with my blue mini dress, with a flat shoes, and a hat. “Moza, why are taking so long?” I yelled at him. “Wait a minute…….” Moza got out from his room wearing jeans and shirt with a jacket, he look so handsome for me, “Pretty awesome right?” said him, “Perfectly awesome!” said me. We go to a park near the Thames river where my old neighboorhoud is there. We fed the birds and Moza picked out flowers for me, next we have lunch in the restaurant where Moza worked, and the food is amazing. After having lunch, Moza take me to a culinary tour, tasting CHOCOLATE, he said he need to complete his task for his job, and taking me was a perfect partner.
My heart was saying, I meant screaming, I LOVE HIM­­. That day was the moment I waited since I runaway from that awful organization. In the night we go to Big Ben and go to the London’s Eye, and when we are in the highest spot, the firework started to blow up, and it is beautiful.
“Seena, what do you think about the firework? I order those guys to fired it just for you,” said Moza explained to me. I was just smiling, trying to figure out what I have to say. Moza bring out a box, a tiny box, and he asked me to open it. It was a ring, with diamond, “So, would you marry me?” his face look confused trying to figured out what to say, and I laughed at him, “Don’t laugh, this is the first time I propouse a marriage and you’ll be the last girl I asked… I’m sorry if I asked too fast, and I’ll wait forever to hear what are your answer. Relax, I’m not gonna cheat your answer, I’m not children anymore, and I promise I won’t cheat you to another girl because you’re the best for me. Thanks for always be by my side, you always care about me, and I love you.”
“God heaven! Moza, I’ll say yes  for a thousand times just for you. I don’t know what to say, you’re just so sweet. I love you too. I am the one who should thank to you, you were always there when I need you, you were always protected me, and you were always love me. Thank you..” said me. We kissed, and that is one of my favorite kiss of all. “How about we married when I am 21?” said me, we argued and agreed and we’ll be married when he 20 when there’s still sparks. That is my childhood dream, mine and Moza’s childhood dream. –Seine River vs Thames River.-
It was a sunny day, so I decided to go the park while my boss didn’t give me a job to report. I saw somebody that seems familiar to me, but I didn’t know him at all, suddenly he ran toward me, “Big sister!” he said. “Who are you and why did you think I’m your big sister?” asked me.
“You’re Seena Alexan right?” said him. “Seena Milano, but yes. Who are you exactly?” said me. He explain everything, “I’m your brother? Ryan Alexan? Don’t you remember me?” I don’t answer that question, “Oh yess, you live with our parents in here, right? I lived with grandma, in Italy. How’s mom and dad?” asked him cheerfully.
I cried, my emotion that I’ve been holding since forever is surprisingly came out from nowhere, “Brother, our parents have gone. 4 days before I’m thirteen, they shooted. I’m sorry if I have to be the one who should told you this….. You lived with…. grandma Siena right? How’s she? Is she in London? I want to met her!” said me to make Ryan not upset, but his face painted his disappointment. I courage him to showed me where is grandma Siena and he took me to his place.
He open the door, “Hey, grandma, look who I brought? Sister Seena! I just found out mom and dad are dead. Its quite hard for me but, I gotta be strong, right grandma?” said him with the Italian accent. Gradma hugged me with love, “Long time no see. Where have you been? With whom do you live now?” asked grandma seriously. “I’ve been in France for a year, I just moved to London a couple months ago. I lived with my future husband, hahaha, just kidding. I lived with my partner, Elmoza Milano. Do you know him?” replied me.
“Elmoza Milano? I recognized him, he is Italliano, her mother, Mia Milano is your mother friend, and I forgot his dad name, but he is a rich man. Would you bring him to dinner tonight? And please Seena, move here….” Said grandma. I moved the subject, after talking a while I got back to my apartment, Moza is there.
“Moza, we’ve been invited to dinner by grandma Siena. Tonight at seven, how about it? Please please, can we go?” asked me.
I’m in the taxi with my blue dress on, I’m with Moza with his tuxedo, ready to have dinner with Ryan and grandma Siena. After arrived, we talked before eating dinner.
I was eating my appetizer pizza when I realized the food was poisoned, I told Moza not to eat it, but pretended to eat it by our language. “Why? Don’t you like my food?” said grandma, “Eat or die!” said her later. I slowly pull my gun out, but she knew. She pull the trigger, and it hit my edge of shoulder. I shooted her back, but Ryan was standing in front of her. He didn’t die, he wore those cops vest, but Grandma Siena died due a heart attack, she was quite shocked because I shot Ryan.
“What do you want to do now, betraiter?” said Ryan.
“She was going to killed me! Didn’t you see that?!” replied me madly.
“She was just wanted to separated you from him! His mother is a b***h, she always tried to stole our father. And our father fell into her trap. Grandma found out and kicked him, but mother still loved him and our mother followed him. She tried to make our father love her again and she did. I didn’t know why mother just bring you, not me. Mother was in the wrong place when Grandma killed out father.” Said him.
“Mother once told me why she left you, she said that you’re better with grandma, because if you came with us you’ll be dead too. She was too afraid to lose you. Mother knew that someday grandma will killed papa, and she’ll died with him. She wasn’t wrong but the part that make me envy is WHY SHE LOVED YOU SO MUCH.”…“They loved you, and this is how you pay them back? Hurting me? I know I’ll never be their child because I’m not their child. Mom used to have a sister, and I’m her child. But when she died because of me, mom took care of me…. I know, I know that I’ll never be good enough to be you sister. I’m sorry, may grandma rest in peace. Goodbye Ryan its nice seeing you grow so nice and handsome, not like me. Find me if you want to live with me. May God bless you, Night.” Crying weakly inside I walk away, dragging Moza out and ran to the closest hospital. The last time I saw Ryan is when he stood like a statue and slowly dropping out his tears.
The morning, we got back to our place. Moza was okay, but he has to take a rest for a few days, just like me. In the night, I woke up feeling quite well and cooked some dinner. Moza was sleeping. Yeah he had quite a day, he throw up much things, the medicine that the doctor gave wasn’t strong enough to get him “well”. I open the fridge and come out with an idea of cooking a frittata.
I was going to waking up Moza, but he got up before I tried to. He smiled as if everything was okay. We sat with silence. All I heard was the voice that came from the silverware. It was silence all along. “Hey, are you okay?” said him trying to open up a talk.
“…….” I can’t answer him. I put down my silverware, and trying to hold my tears, but its not working.
“Hey there, its okay. We’ll get through it. Just finish your food and we’ll talk about it.”

~masih progress~

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